Tullos Pavilion and Playing Field Revamp

Funding Awarded: £8000

For a number of years, there has been no local football team playing out of Torry. This coupled with a lack of facilities, has meant that the area has not had a regular Saturday team for a number of years. Dee United want to bring grassroots football back to Torry in an effort to giveback to the local community. In the future we want to expand the offering to juvenile teams as well as women/girls football

For a number of years, there has been no local football team playing out of Torry. This coupled with a lack of facilities, has meant that the area has not had a regular Saturday team for a number of years. Dee United want to bring grassroots football back to Torry in an effort to giveback to the local community. In the future we want to expand the offering to juvenile teams as well as women/girls football

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Cove Youth Football Club

Greyhope Parent Voice