We are pleased to announce that as of December 11th 2024, 16 local organisations based in Torry and Cove have been provided a cash boost from the Community & Coast Fund to support impactful local projects.
Applications opened in late September 2024 and local groups were invited to bid for grants of up to £10,000 to help bring their ideas for innovative community projects to life. In this inaugural pilot year of the fund, a total of £95,000 in eligible project grants were requested, allowing all applicants to receive a share of the available funding and see their projects supported.
The Fund is delivered in partnership by ETZ Ltd. and Aberdeen’s Third Sector Interface, ACVO TSI.
Available to support community projects in Torry and Cove
to purchase equipment & items or support projects for organisations in Cove & Torry
funded in Torry and Cove in 2024!
As well as being very focused on community growth, the Fund also has natural biodiversity, net zero targets and heritage as some of the key aims behind projects it looks to facilitate. Projects should be linked to at least one of the following 6 Pillars of the Community & Coast Fund
Got a question about the Fund? Get in touch by completing the form below and a member of the team will get back to you